HP-UX have a software to backup the OS called "Ignite". It bundled with OS installed. The easy way to make a OS backup is using tape data cartridge. Just plug the tape to tape library, and run command "make_tape_recovery -AI".
To restore OS using recovery tape, go to MP (management processor) and boot to tape (Sequential media) and follow the intructions.
To simplify manage the archive of OS backup, we can utilize "Ignite Server". We can make OS backup to disk (via network) in another server (Ignite Server).The command is "make_net_recovery -s ignite_server -x inc_entire=vg00″.
To recovery OS using ignite server (Client and Ignite server in same IP subnet):
1. Boot the failed system to Ignite server (boot lan install or boot lan.ip_ignite_server install)
2. Do not interact with ISL
3. Select "Install HP-UX" and follow the instructions to fill about server configurations (network, hostname, etc)
4. Select recovery configurations to use
If clients to use is different subnet, we must use a boot helper server. the boot helper server have same subnet with client server. to setting up boot helper:
* for example: IP Ignite server is & GW, OS to be restored is restore01 and target client is client01 ( & GW
1. Make sure the boot helper server have Ignite software with same version with client & Ignite server
2. Point the installation to Ignite server
# instl_adm -t
3. To verify the correct configuration in boot helper, run command instl_adm -d
4. Specify the temporary ip address at boot helper that client can use to boot. Edit /etc/opt/ignite/instl_boottab
5. Copy the CINDEX & recovery directory from source (OS to be restored) to target client (server use to restore).
at Ignite Server:
# cd /var/opt/ignite/clients/restore01
# find CINDEX recovery | cpio -pvdma ../client01
# edit CINDEX file at target client (/var/opt/ignite/clients/client01/CINDEX)
- make a full path for system_cfg, control_cfg & archive_cfg. (/var/opt/ignite/clients/client01/../…..)
6. Boot to boot helper or direct to ignite server
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