Wednesday, 23 November 2011

GREP command : How to use ??

GREP : Three version of grep command in UNIX `grep, fgrep, egrep'. `fgrep' stands for Fixed `grep', `egrep' Extended `grep'

1. To find relevant word and exclusion irrelevant word.

# grep Exception logfile.txt | grep -v ERROR

2.If you want to count of a particular word in log file you can use grep -c option to count the word.

# grep -c "Error" logfile.txt

3. grep --context option allows us to print lines around matching pattern. Below example of grep command in UNIX will print 6 lines around matching line of word "successful" in logfile.txt

# grep --context=6 successful logfile.txt

# grep -C 2 'hello' *

Prints two lines of context around each matching line.

4. egrep stands for extended grep and it is more powerful than grep command in Unix and allows more regular exception

# egrep 'Error|Exception' logfile.txt

5. If you want to do case insensitive search than use -i option from grep command in UNIX. Grep -i will find occurrence of both Error, error and ERROR

# grep -i Error logfile

6. Below command will print all files which have "Error" on them. ZGREP used to perform same operation as grep does but with .gz files

# zgrep -i Error *.gz

7. Above grep command in UNIX searches only for instances of 'ERROR' that are entire words; it does not match `SysERROR'.

# grep -w ERROR logfile

# grep 'ERROR>' *

Searches only for words ending in 'ERROR', so it matches the word `SysERROR'.

8. "grep -l" which display only the file names which matches the given pattern. Below command will only display file names which have ERROR

# grep -l ERROR *.log

9. If you want to see line number of matching lines you can use option "grep -n" below command will show on which lines Error has appeared.

# grep -n ERROR log file.

10. If you want to do recursive search using grep command in Unix there are two options either use "-R" command line option or increase directory one by one as shown below.


  1. Dude all your command examples are copy paste from my blog post 10 Grep command examples in Unix and Linux, I don't mind you use command example but don't please don't copy paste which is more like content theft. Please remove all examples or rewrite in your own words.

